Hi everyone. I hope you are having a good summer if it is summer in your part of the world. Today I have a big announcement to make. After years of railing against self-publishing and resisting it with every fibre of my writing being such as in this post http://melissalawrencewriter.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/why-ive-decided-not-to-self-publish.html , I have finally decided to throw my principles out of the window and give it a go after all. I am currently dusting off all eleven (yes, eleven) of my unpublished children's books which are currently sleeping peacefully in my filing cabinet, along with all the rejection letters from publishers and agents that they have accumulated over the years and starting the process of self-publishing them all. It has taken me a long time to come to this decision but in the end, my reasons for doing so are as follows: 1. It seems a bit pointless having them all shut away in the filing cabinet when they might as well be out in the world g...