Hi everyone. So the good news is that I have started writing again after not having written anything "commercial" for longer than I care to admit. It's taken a while to get going again but like riding a bike, I guess, you never really lose it although I think the days of me being a regular writer for national newspapers and magazines are definitely over. And as for books? Well, still not sure if that will happen but you never know! The bad news is that partly because of this, I have decided that this will be my last blog post here. I have really appreciated being able to write for a blog, even though the posts have been pretty sparse in recent times. It has kept my writing hand "in" as it were and has given me something to focus on when I couldn't manage to write much else. But now I want to write for other outlets again and not something that feels quite so "indulgent", if you know what I mean. I also feel that blogging in general may have had it...