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Wear It Pink Day 2024

Hi everyone.

It’s a busy month, October. There’s so much going on, it’s difficult to know what to write about. We’ve already had National Poetry Day and we’re still just about in Chocolate Week (hoorah!) with Menopause Day, National Cat Day and, of course, Halloween still to come. Diwali, the Hindu festival of Lights begins on 31 October this year which is just a few days after British Summer Time ends. And if that wasn’t enough, Leicester City are playing Southampton which is a “six-pointer” if ever there was one! 

But I’ve decided to go with Wear It Pink Day which is on 18 October and aims to raise funds for the amazing work done by Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest breast cancer charity. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK with around 55,000 women and 400 men diagnosed with breast cancer every year? So it’s an extremely important cause and I thought I’d see if I could prompt you into making a donation by setting this fun quiz on the theme of ‘pink’. It’s up to you how you use it but maybe a minimum of a pound donation for every question you get right? Answers are at the bottom of the post.

1. Which actress played Barbie in the ultimate “pink” movie released in 2023?

a) Emma Watson

b) Margot Robbie

c) Meryl Streep

2. Which of these is not a song by the pop artist Pink?

a) Get the Party Started

b) Raise Your Glass

c) In the Pink

3. Pink Eye is a common name for what?

a) Conjunctivitis

b) Rabies

c) Amblyopia

4. Which of these pinks is a predicted Pantone Colour of the Year for 2025?

a) Transcendent Pink

b) Transparent Pink

c) Sick Pink

5. In which year was Pink Floyd’s mesmerising album The Dark Side of the Moon released?

a) 1969

b) 1973

c) 1977

6. Who starred as Andie in the 1986 film Pretty in Pink?

a) Winona Ryder

b) Michelle Pfeiffer

c) Molly Ringwald

7. The wife of which American president famously wore an eye-catching pink dress, the colour of which became known as First Lady Pink?

a) Dwight Eisenhower

b) John Kennedy

c) Joe Biden

8. Pinky and Perky, who appeared on children’s TV in the 1950s and 1960s were which type of animal?

a) Koala bears

b) Pigs

c) Donkeys

9. Which novel published in 1983 has a character called Pinkie Brown?

a) The Colour Purple

b) Love in the Time of Cholera

c) Brighton Rock

10. In which sporting event does the winner wear a pink jersey?

a) The Giro d’Italia

b) The Miami Grand Prix

c) The Red Bull Soapbox Race

Hopefully you managed to get them all right and at least ten pounds is on the way to Breast Cancer Now.!


1 (b)

2 (c)

3 (a)

4 (a)

5 (b)

6 (c)

7 (a)

8 (b)

9 (c)

10 (a)


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